[cmNOG] ITU proposals counter to internet access for Africa, Asia

Tomslin Samme-Nlar s.tomsleen at gmail.com
Lun 24 Sep 05:39:59 UTC 2012

Thought this might be interesting.


*Current proposals by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
member states in Africa and the European Telecommunications Network
Operators Association (ETNO) could slow economic progress, raise costs on
users who can least afford them and limit Internet access in developing
countries, a report released Friday by LIRNEasia, an information and
communication technology (ICT) policy and regulation think tank based in
Sri Lanka, argues. *

The report,* “A Giant Step Backward or the Way Forward? An Analysis of Some
Proposals Before the
** *explains that the economic and personal benefits the digital economy is
currently bringing to nations and peoples in the developing world could
come to a standstill should proposals that give the ITU broad jurisdiction
over Internet communications be legitimatized by the force of law.

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