[cmNOG] Tr: [Africanchapters] Fwd: [fellowships-alumni] [bestbits] Nepad Call for applications for Online Training: Internet Governance in Africa - an Introduction

Sylvain BAYA ABOKA abscoco2001 at yahoo.fr
Mar 22 Juil 09:50:41 UTC 2014

Hi Dear all listers,
Please Y'all, see below it's about a free online training in Internet 
Governance then apply if you are interested...
[I apologize for any crossposting]

Le 22/07/2014 09:52, Anne Lord a écrit :
> hi Everyone,
> The NEPAD e-Africa Programme below invites applications for an online 
> training programme "Internet Governance in Africa - an introduction". 
>  I note below that it says that the course will be delivered in English.
> Please forward to members of your Chapter if you think this is of 
> interest to them.
> Regards,
> Anne
> --
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: *Ginger Paque* <gpaque at gmail.com <mailto:gpaque at gmail.com>>
>> Date: 2014-07-21 14:46 GMT-03:00
>> Subject: [bestbits] Nepad Call for applications for Online Training: 
>> Internet Governance in Africa -- an Introduction
>> To: "<bestbits at lists.bestbits.net 
>> <mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>>" <bestbits at lists.bestbits.net 
>> <mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>>
>> Dear friends and colleagues,
>> This important call for applications has just been released by 
>> Nedpad, and will be managed by our colleagues Towela Jere and Titi 
>> Akinsanmi. Please let your friends in Africa know about this opportunity!
>> *Call for applications for Online Training: Internet Governance in 
>> Africa -- an Introduction*
>> The NEPAD e-Africa Programme invites applications for an online 
>> training programme "Internet Governance in Africa -- an Introduction"
>> *Course Content*
>> The course will cover fundamental aspects of Internet Governance and 
>> Internet policy including:
>>   * Actors and processes
>>   * Infrastructure and broadband policy
>>   * Cybersecurity
>>   * Privacy and Human Rights
>>   * Network neutrality
>>   * Management of domain names and IP addresses
>>   * Socio-economic and development aspects of the Internet and
>>     Internet Governance
>> The course will also offer case studies and practical examples from 
>> Africa and participants will be encouraged to contextualize their 
>> learning to their countries or regions.
>> *Target Audience*
>> The training is open to a wide variety of stakeholders including:
>>   * Government officials
>>   * Officials from regional and sub-regional institutions
>>   * Parliamentary representatives
>>   * Civil society activists and advocates
>>   * Students, academics and researchers
>>   * Journalists
>> *Eligibility*
>> Applicants must meet the following requirements:
>>   * Citizen of a member state of the African Union
>>   * Able to read, write and converse in English
>>   * Have reliable Internet access
>> Applicants with an undergraduate degree may have an added advantage. 
>> Preference will be given to individuals living and working in Africa.
>> *Mode of Delivery*
>> The course will be delivered in English and will be conducted online 
>> using a mixture of facilitator-led sessions and self-directed 
>> learning. Participants should expect to spend at least 8 hours per 
>> week on the course. The course will be delivered over an 8-week period.
>> *Method of Application*
>> Apply online using theapplication form 
>> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DUAhmxVoh-l20DdZ_vqpRt3NAQGMIJGmzyyRIgyV9aA/viewform?usp=send_form>. 
>> (If you encounter problems with filling in the form online, you may 
>> request a PDF version to be sent to you. Send your request 
>> to:towelan at nepad.org <mailto:towelan at nepad.org>)
>> *Deadline for applications*
>> Applications should be received on or before July 28. Late 
>> applications may be considered subject to availability of seats.
>> *Course Fees*
>> There are no fees associated with registration or participation in 
>> the course.
>> *Enquiries*
>> Enquiries may be directed to Towela Nyirenda-Jere via 
>> email:towelan at nepad.org <mailto:towelan at nepad.org>
>> Ginger (Virginia) Paque
>> IG Programmes, DiploFoundation
>> /Upcoming online courses: Diplomatic Law: Privileges and Immunities, 
>> Multilateral Diplomacy, 21st Century Diplomacy, Infrastructure and 
>> Critical Internet Resources, Master/PGD in Contemporary Diplomacy: 
>> http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses///<http://www.diplomacy.edu/courses>//
>> *//*
>> ____________________________________________________________
>> You received this message as a subscriber on the list:
>> bestbits at lists.bestbits.net <mailto:bestbits at lists.bestbits.net>.
>> To unsubscribe or change your settings, visit:
>> http://lists.bestbits.net/wws/info/bestbits
>> -- 
>> /*Fatima Cambronero*/
>> Abogada-Argentina
>> Phone: +54 9351 5282 668 <tel:%2B54%209351%205282%20668>
>> Twitter: @facambronero
>> Skype: fatima.cambronero
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Anne Lord (lord at isoc.org <mailto:lord at isoc.org>)
> Sr. Manager, Chapter Development (Africa & Middle East)
> Internet Society (www.internetSociety.org 
> <http://www.internetSociety.org>)
> Skype: annelord
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>   _______________________________________________
> As an Internet Society Chapter Officer of the African
> region you are automatically subscribed to this list,
> which is regularly synchronized with the Internet
> Society Chapter Portal (AMS):https://portal.isoc.org

    Best Regards !
  Sylvain BAYA
  cmNOG's Co-Founder & Coordinator
  ISOC Cameroon Board's Member
    (+237) 77005341
baya.sylvain [AT cmNOG DOT cm]
  abscoco2001 [AT yahoo DOT fr]
              « Comme une biche soupire après des courants d'eau, Ainsi mon âme soupire après toi, ô DIEU! » (Psaumes 42 :2)

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