Augustine CHII Ngek chii.ngek at gmail.com
Ven 21 Aou 15:06:24 WAT 2015

At the attention of ANTIC and managers of CSIRTS.

Dear Colleagues,

The IGF Best Practice forum for CSIRTS is seeking inputs, comments on the
questions below from the community.

Please subscribe to the mailing list <bp_certs at intgovforum.org> . You can
also send you responses toproject at africacert.org.

*1. To whatdegree do CSIRTs work on issues which are privacy sensitive?*


    Do CSIRTs help build up privacy protections for citizens?


    In what ways can privacy be a limiting factor for a CSIRT towork
    together with the wider community?

*2. What roles allocated to national CSIRT are controversial?*


    Do CSIRT have a legitimate law enforcement function? What are the
    benefits and concerns?


    Do the roles of national CSIRT differ based on where they are built?
    E.g. is a regulator-hosted CSIRT different than one developed within
    the military, the private sector or academia?


    What CSIRT implementations are successful today?


    Is there value in having a "neutral" national CSIRT which is
    independent from all other organizations and run independently?


    What is the role of a CSIRT in a conflict?

*3. How do differences between countries affect misconceptions around


    Does the type of government affect the type of roles allocated to CSIRT?


    Do CSIRT in the developing world focus on different services than
    the developed world?


    How does funding affect the effectiveness of a CSIRT?


    What are creative solutions for a lack of funding to operate a CSIRT

*4. How do CSIRT interact with policy makers?*


    Do CSIRT typically have a dedicated liaison with the policy community?


    Where do CSIRT help influence policy, for instance by spreading
    awareness? Are there areas where they should not?


    How have policies internationally acknowledged CSIRTs? Do they focus
    on particular roles of the CSIRT?


    What policy communities are most related to the CSIRT role?
    Technology, economy? How can we reach them more effectively?

*5. Training*

  * Is training available in your country for CSIRT employees
  * If not, what training are you in want of?

Thank you.

Jean Robert.
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