[cmNOG] [AfPIF2015] Maputo AFPIF 2015 & Beijing Athletics 2015

chii_ngek chii_ngek at yahoo.com
Mar 1 Sep 18:17:04 WAT 2015

Thanks for sharing. That is wonderful news coming from other regions of Africa. I  am ashamed as it seems nobody mentioned what is happening in Cameroon and central Africa subregion. Somebody would talk about 6 000 km of optic fibre in Cameroon, 3 landing stations, a data centres of campost and mtn, camix, and of course central African ixp  at Gabon etc. Was camix represented there? 

Cmnog, we have much to do as CSO for washing of the image of Cameroon outside. We attended afpif14 and the situation was the same for our sub region. We need to sacrifice for cameroon as much as possible. We need all your resources and time to work together.

NGEK Augustin CHII


sylvain aboka baya <abscoco2001 at yahoo.fr> wrote:

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