[cmNOG] [AfriNIC][IPv6] Lancement des certifications IPv6 par AfriNIC

Moïse KAMENI moise.kameni at gmail.com
Lun 14 Mar 20:15:58 WAT 2016

​Chères/Chers tou(te)s,
Par ce mail je viens vous informer que AfriNIC a lancé des certifications
IPv6 suivez l'adresse [http://certi6.io/]​.

"This exam attests and formally certifies that the successful candidate has
technical knowledge and competence in the major domains of IPv6 networking.
It presupposes deeper technical knowledge, skills, and abilities in IPv4
networking practices, and will validate all the major aspects and domains
of knowledge and practice in IPv6."


Linux Professional Institute Certified [LPIC]
SUSE Certified Linux Administrator [SUSE CLA]
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
Cisco Certified Network Associate [CCNA]
Systems and Network Administrator
RIPE ATLAS Ambassador
ISOC Cameroon Chapter Member
Faculty of Science
University of Dschang - Cameroon
P.O. Box. 0067 Dschang
Phone: +(237) 699-007-765 / 670-114-979
Others emails: moise.kameni [at] univ-dschang [dot] org <%23>
                       kameni.moise [at] cmnog [dot] cm <%23>
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