[cmNOG] Afrinic policy proposal would penalize govt and govt owned entities for Internet shutdow

Willy MANGA mangawilly at gmail.com
Mar 18 Avr 10:04:05 UTC 2017

Hi Tomslin,

Le 11/04/2017 à 21:52, Tomslin Samme-Nlar a écrit :
> If we were to look at Cameroon for example
> - Will that mean no government services for 12 months?

Not exactly. It would have mean (in my understanding) that for a period
of 12 months, following the shutdown AFRINIC would not allocate more
*ressources*; including transfers to governements

> - How will it impact Telecommunication services in Cameroon?

If the proposal was adopted as such, it will impact all the communities

That's why it's just a *draft* and it's discussed within AFRINIC rpd
list [1] . If you are following discussions, there is no consensus as of
today but it appears that it will be discussed during Africa Internet
Summit (AIS) in nairobi next month.

Policies draft are discussed by the communities on a bottom-up process
quite well explained here [2].

By the way, they are many more policies to be discussed (all stuff
relating to IPv4 depletion for eg. ) . Unfortunately we do not
participate enough ...

1. https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo/rpd

2. https://afrinic.net/fr/community/policy-development

Willy Manga

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