[cmNOG] [Security] ISPs in at least two countries were involved in delivering surveillance FinFisher Spyware

Sylvain BAYA abscoco at gmail.com
Mar 3 Oct 06:30:43 UTC 2017

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Title: ISPs in at least two countries were involved in delivering
surveillance FinFisher Spyware
Source: Pierluigi Paganini, Security Affairs
Date Published: September 21 2017

"Security researchers at ESET have uncovered a surveillance campaign
using a new variant of FinFisher spyware, also known as FinSpy.
Finfisher infected victims in seven countries and experts believe that
in two of them the major internet providers have been involved.

“New surveillance campaigns utilizing FinFisher, infamous spyware
known also as FinSpy and sold to governments and their agencies
worldwide, are in the wild. Besides featuring technical improvements,
some of these variants have been using a cunning, previously-unseen
infection vector with strong indicators of major internet service
provider (ISP) involvement.” reads the post published by ESET.
ESET did not reveal which countries have been involved to avoid
putting anyone in danger."

To read the complete article see:


See also:


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