[cmNOG] Link BitMark !!!

sylvain aboka baya abscoco2001 at yahoo.fr
Jeu 13 Sep 17:52:14 WAT 2012

 Best Practice it's to change the Subject... Je me suis encore fais prendre -:(
 Veuillez considérer ce mail plutôt que le précédant, s'il vous plait! Merci.  :-)



 On Sept. 13, 2012, at 8:59, D. Julie wrote:

----- Mail transféré -----

> Thèmes du jour :

 >   1. Revue du web du 12 Septembre 2012 (Mamadou LO)
  >  2. Web review September 12, 2012 (Mamadou LO)
  >  3. Re: Link BitMark !!! (D julie)
 >   4. Cameroon doing badly on Internet penetration (Tomslin Samme-Nlar)


> Hi Sylvain,

> Weekend was great, the week was up to a rough start.
> So what's a Link Bitmark?
> Have tried googling it but haven't gotten anything concrete yet.

   Hi Julie,
(Hi cmNOGers, you are important and can be useful to the other if you try to share a bit...)

 Julie It's good to know that you had personal time on week-end, after your hard work during the week. Happy to read you.

 So about a BitMark, first it's important to know...

What is a URL? :-)
 A URL is also sometimes referred to as a link. You enter a URL into your web browser to go to a certain destination on the web. 

For example, the URL to go to our website is http://bitly.com/

Some URLs are a very long string of letters and characters. They can be 
difficult to past in tweet on twitter or they don't look nice in an 
email. Bitly allows you to create 'shortlinks' which are exactly what 
they sound like. 

Examples: Instead of having this link: 

You can have this shortlink: 

source: http://support.bitly.com/knowledgebase/articles/102421-what-is-a-url- or just http://bit.ly/RNII1C

Damdjo Julie


> Hi folks,
 > How was your week-end?

> Do you know what's a link bitmark?
> How can it be useful ?
 > Have a good

 > Salut

 >  Comment s'est passe votre week-end?
> Savez-vous ce qu'est un lien bitmark?
> Quel peut en être l’utilité?
 > Passez une bonne journée!

 Best Regards!                                                     
Sylvain BAYA
cmNOG's Co-Founder & Coordinator
ISOC Cameroon Board's Member

 (+237) 77005341                              

abscoco2001 at yahoo.fr
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