[cmNOG] MikroTik: URGENT security advisory

PATRICK KOUOBOU patrickouobou at gmail.com
Dim 5 Aou 13:40:16 UTC 2018


Le dim. 5 août 2018 à 14:20, MikroTik <no-reply at mikrotik.com> a écrit :

> Hello,
> It has come to our attention that a rogue botnet is currently using a
> vulnerability in the RouterOS Winbox service, that was patched in RouterOS
> v6.42.1 in April 23, 2018.
> Since all RouterOS devices offer free upgrades with just two clicks, we
> urge you to upgrade your devices with the "Check for updates" button, if
> you haven't done so already.
> Steps to be taken:
> - Upgrade RouterOS to the latest release
> - Change your password after upgrading
> - Restore your configuration and inspect it for unknown settings
> - Implement a good firewall according to the article here:
> https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:Securing_Your_Router
> All versions from 6.29 (release date: 2015/28/05) to 6.42 (release date
> 2018/04/20) are vulnerable. Is your device affected? If you have open
> Winbox access to untrusted networks and are running one of the affected
> versions: yes, you could be affected. Follow advice above. If Winbox is not
> available to internet, you might be safe, but upgrade still recommended.
> More information about the issue can be found here:
> https://blog.mikrotik.com
> Best regards,
> MikroTik
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