[cmNOG] New BGP training content available from NSRC
Sylvain BAYA
abscoco at gmail.com
Mar 23 Juil 14:13:38 UTC 2019
{Apologize for any cross-posting}
Chères toutes, Chers tous,
J'espère que ce courriel vous trouvera en bonne santé.
Juste pour partager ces informations chaudes et utiles avec vous.
Prière de regarder en dessous et tirer avantage des nouveaux cours
proposés par le NSRC, pour
le renforcement des capacités des acteurs du routage de l'Internet.
Profitez-en et implémentez,
surtout, ces bonnes pratiques dans vos infrastructures de réseaux !
Merci bien.
Le vendredi 19 juillet 2019, Hervey Allen <hervey at nsrc.org
<mailto:hervey at nsrc.org>> a écrit :
Hello Everyone,
The Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) created a new set of
instructional videos on Internet routing and utilization of the Border
Gateway Protocol (BGP) entitled, "BGP for All."
The technical education videos include configuration examples, links to
reference materials, and a series of self-evaluation questions to test
comprehension. The videos may also be valuable for computer science
departments to use as supplemental material for networking courses
offered as part of the curricula. For more information, see:
Thank you to the many members of the Internet community who contributed
to the course content, and to everyone who helped with the production of
the video series. Special thanks to Dr. Philip Smith.
Questions, suggestions, comments about this initiative can be sent to
the email learn at nsrc.org <mailto:learn at nsrc.org>.
- Hervey Allen
Hervey Allen Assistant Director, Network Startup Resource Center
hervey at nsrc.org <mailto:hervey at nsrc.org> http://nsrc.org/ :
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Sylvain B.
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