[cmNOG] IPv6 deployment in Cameroon

Willy Manga mangawilly at gmail.com
Mer 11 Mar 05:04:48 UTC 2020

Hi Chii,
rather than reactictivating another commission, I think it will be
better to just ... deploy . How many meetings, trainings, seminars,
workshops since 2011 on that topic in Cameroon?

For the record, AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) were using
IPv6  since 2017. It was working very well. Unfortunately their IPv6
block (2001:4268:1a1::/48 ) is no longer seen in routing table since
several months. Nobody can explain you what is happening.  :-/

What stop other organisations, networks start to deploy IPv6 ? Quite
frankly, don't tell me it's a matter of training. If you really want to
see things moving, let's  start by your own network. It's feasible.

AFRINIC helpdesk can help those who are really committed to move
forward. here is the link http://bit.ly/6deployEN

On 11/03/2020 08:02, Augustine CHII Ngek wrote:
> Please do well to look at this report about Cameroon so that we can
> reactivate the ipv4-ipv6 commission that worked and a submitted a report
> for validation at minpostel.
> https://bgpview.io/reports/countries/CM
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Willy Manga

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