[cmNOG] Fwd: Learning @ ISOC (May - June)

Christian Nzhie ngf.christian at gmail.com
Mer 26 Mai 18:00:03 UTC 2021

Bonsoir chers membres de la communauté cmnog,
Ci-dessous, la liste des formations offertes par ISOC pour le prochain
cycle pour votre attention. Elles débuteront le Lundi 31 Mai 2021, prière
de consulter la liste complète ci-dessous.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Esther Mwiyeria Kioni <kioni at isoc.org>
Date: Mon, May 24, 2021 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Learning @ ISOC (May - June)
To: info at cmnog.cm <info at cmnog.cm>, Musa <honlue at gmail.com>
Cc: Ronda Zelezny-Green <zgreen at isoc.org>

I hope this finds you well.
The registration for our next Cycle of training is already underway.  The
course offering will be open for Monday 31st at stipulated below:

  Registration  Start date End date
Encryption  May 17th - 28th May 31st June 25th
Internet Governance May 17th - 28th May 31st June 25th
Introduction To Network Operations 1 May 17th - 28th May 31st June 25th
Mutually Agreed Norms For Routing Security (MANRS) May 17th - 28th May
31st June
Digital Footprints On Demand On Demand On Demand
Chapter Management Essentials On Demand On Demand On Demand
Grant Application and Project Implementation Guidance On Demand On Demand On
Privacy On Demand On Demand On Demand
Feel free to ask your members to register @
Internet Society Learning <https://learning.internetsociety.org/>
Internet Governance is the development and application by governments, the
private sector, and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared
principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that
shape the evolution and use of the Internet.
 and enroll in a course of their choice.

*Please get in touch if there are any queries.*

*Thanks & Regards*
Esther Mwiyeria Kioni | Project Director, Training and e-Learning

* kioni at isoc.org <zgreen at isoc.org> | Mobile: +254 725 039 780 | *
> Pour Le cmNOG,
> Le SG.
> *Christian.*
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