Foncham Doh
fonchamdoh at yahoo.com
Jeu 3 Sep 13:38:54 UTC 2015
Maputo 2015 was a greatsuccess.AfPIF was celebrating its 5 years of existence and so it was equallynecessary to celebrate its achievements. In fact one of these achievements wasthe fact this year recorded the highest number participants from all over theworld.Presentations revealed that manyIXPs have been established across Africa, thanks to the activities of AfPIF. Manycontent providers like Google are now seeing Africa as a potential place forbusiness. Africa has equally witnessed an increase in its international bandwidth, within the last 5 years with the landing of many high speed opticalfiber networks at its shores.“The time for African content istherefore now” said one of the content providers. Africans have to startthinking of producing their contents and hosting them at home rather hosting abroad. There were presentations on theimpact of peering in Africa and why cross border interconnection is important.Many high speed undersea optical fiber companies like SEACOM, presented theirservices and their role in assisting interconnection. Other peering partnerslike AKAMAI that are not yet present in Africa were there to present theirservices and to explain how peering with them can greatly improve internetperformance.The Administrator of Gambia’s IXPwhich is less than one year was happy to present their experiences and sharewith participants on how to better attract contents and greatly benefit fromthe IXP.There were equally greatpresentations on the usefulness and need for data centers.After all the presentations andas a Cameroonian and as a member of the internet society and also as agovernment stakeholder, I concluded that there is great need for our internetexchange point, CAMIX to go operational before AfPIF2016 which will be in Tanzania.We are lagging behind in this challenge. What do you think? Foncham Denis Doh
Telecommunications Engineer
Diploma Internet Governance(NEPAD e_Africa Capacity building programme
Current research: IXP in Cameroon
Tel: 237 677684766
email: fonchamdoh at yahoo.com
Skype : foncham_denis
twitter: @denis_doh
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