[cmNOG] Root Domain Name Server (DNS) is operated by an University
Mukom Akong T.
mukom.tamon at gmail.com
Mar 25 Avr 08:03:25 UTC 2017
On 25 April 2017 at 10:54, jean-francis AHANDA <jeanfrancis.ahanda at gmail.com
> wrote:
> The first that come in my mind is the B-Root operated by the University
> of Southern California
> Benefit ? they are so many starting by research , how many paper have been
> published on DNS in africa ?
That unfortunately is up to the professors to make happen. Most professors
in african universities just don't think at that level.
Here's what we can do: IF there's a professor in a university somewhere
that actually wants to do this but doesn't know how, we can help him
research and write the proposal, identify required skills and connect them
at the right places.
It's about the same question: why do africans not really participate at the
> what is the purpose of an university ?
Teaching and research. Even thought it's debatable how many universities
actuall deliver on this
> What has Afrinic and ICANN done with L Root in Africa ? almost nothing
> till now , for various reason of course but th result is what count.
like anchors, neither AFRINIC nor ICANN can host any server. The problem
has always been finding an organisation that's willing to host an instance
of the server.
How many instances of the root servers are in Cameroon? Anyone willing to
host? let me know and I can talk to the right people
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