[cmNOG] [CMnog][TECH] Plainification des adresses IPv6 pour un DATA CENTER

Mukom Akong T. mukom.tamon at gmail.com
Jeu 29 Nov 07:18:21 UTC 2018

Hi Samuel,

If there's one thing that characterises a DC ... it's use of
virtualisation and micro-services (VMs, containers etc). To keep
things simple adopt the following practices:

In an IPv4 world (today), your simple DC may have

- Management VLAN: how the VM hosts connect to the network
- Storage VLAN: for storage
- Data VLAN: traffic for the VMs within the VM host

Today, we would give each it's own subnet - maybe a /24 each.

In IPv6, you should

- assign a /64 for each customer  if the customer wants all their VMs
to be in same VLAN
- otherwise, assign a /64 for each VM (you might not want your MySQL
server on same VLAN & subnet with your web serve)
- assign a /64 for each the management VLAN (where the addresses will
be manually configured)

I hope that helps.
On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 12:14, samuel guemnang <samueluninet at gmail.com> wrote:
> Bonjour tout le monde,
> Pourriez vous partager les bonnes pratiques en terme de design et de planification des adresses IPv6 dans un DATA CENTER?
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Mukom Akong T.

LinkedIn:Mukom  |  twitter: @perfexcellent

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