[cmNOG] Thank you for have taken part in the formal gathering #cmNOGmeet20200222
abscoco at gmail.com
Sam 29 Fév 09:34:00 UTC 2020
Dear CommunityMember, Considering that this email found you in good
health,We are pleased to report that since the relaunch of the
#REBOOTcmNOG initiative (phase 2), we held four formal online gatherings
(Meetups) [1]. Sincere thanks to everyone who makes this possible, each
at their own level. On each of these synchronous discussion occasions,
the participants adopted Resolutions [1] that have been documented; in
order to be executed one after the other [2]. As announced [3], our
online meeting (#cmNOGmeet20200222) was held to date (Saturday
22.02.2020); with 08 participants. The Notes Taken are here:
<https://pad.april.org/cmNOGmeet20200222> The Video Recording is there:
<https://youtu.be/UCeGxQZZtn8> Next online meeting (#cmNOGmeet20200307):
Saturday 07.03.2020, 19h00-20h00 (UTC +1). Reminder of Webinar N ° 2
[4]: Saturday 29.02.2020, 19h00-20h00 (UTC +1). {today} We look
forward to seeing us all, for the next Rendez-Vous !__ [1]:
<https://www.cmnog.cm/dokuwiki/Meetings/cmNOGmeet/Resolutions> [2]:
REBOOTcmNOG (phase2) Board <https://trello.com/b/fLRqJ9SP> [3]:
<https://twitter.com/cmN0G/status/1231249813301342208> [4]:
#cmNOGwebinar2 (today):
/The cmNOG's Caretakers
cmNOG's Objectives <https://www.cmnog.cm/node/15>
cmNOG's Wiki <https://www.cmnog.cm/dokuwiki>
cmNOG's Mailing List <https://lists.cmnog.cm/mailman/listinfo/cmnog>
cmNOG's Mailing List Archive <https://lists.cmnog.cm/pipermail/cmnog>
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